Facebook Theme Collection For January 2013
Facebook Theme Collection gathers many themes with different kinds for Facebook Pages that is collected on the internet to help you make your Facebook Page cooler and attract more fans and friends.
Xtudio – Facebook Single Page Showcase
Facebook Single Page Showcase is the definitive template for showcasing visual portfolios directly on your Facebook Fan Page, easily customizable with 6 modules and a powerful background gallery to showcase big size works directly on homepage. Boost your Facebook corporate presence with this straight forward customization process template.
HumbleFace – Multipurpose Facebook Template
Humbleface is a site template that compatible and optimized for facebook tab. Highly customizable, designed to fit all kind of pages and businesses. With fixed width and height; to make sure the template not going beyond the frame limits.
Agera Responsive Fullscreen HTML Facebook Theme
Agera is a beautiful facebook theme for portfolio. Easy to setup, with many custom shortcodes. The main goal of Agera is to let photographers and designers showcase their work easily and in a beautiful and simple way. If you are a creative person this theme is for you!
Sharp Facebook Theme
Sharp Facebook Theme is an html/css template for your facebook fan page. This is a grid system based template with 810px width. The template comes with 5 template files.
Metro Facebook Timeline HTML Template
This facebooke theme is better to use for facebook page owners. Edit Metro Facebook and create your own facebook page tab. Change tiles and create your own style.
Sacline Facebook Theme
Sacline Facebook Thtme is a Modern and Clean Design Site Template Useful For Your Facebook Sites.
Youngpro HTML Facebook Theme
Youngpro Facebook Theme is HTML / CSS facebook template (fixed width 810px) that supports jQuery Flex Slider and Subscription form.
Landisimo Facebook Site Template
Landisimo Facebook site template is a clean one page site template, that you can promovate your services or products on Facebook. It has a clean and elegant design and 5 color variation, giving you a fast and simple way to customize it after your needs. You can simply create your own layout because of the structure of the template.
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