404 Error Page Template Collection April 2013 is a bundle of themes for “not found error” pages that you use to show for your visitors when they access wrong pages. In this bundle you will find a lot of awesome ideas.



Standing Owl Not Found Animated Page




Standing Owl can be used in variety fields such as 404 page, Banners, Underconstruction page with creative, funny idea. Additional, this theme is also compatible with WordPress sites.


Cerberus – Premium, handmade 404 HTML Template




Cerberus, unlike its name implies, is a cute, yet premium and stylish 404 error page for your websites. Featuring a subtle preloader, lots of animation via Javascript / jQuery, proper white space, spacing and alignment. All in valid xHTML 1.0 well commented, readable and easily modifiable code!


Bara – Error Template




Bara is an 404 error template but can be used also for 401, 403, 500 and 503 errors. This is an HTML but can be fitted in WordPress too, soon I will add an WordPress plugin if you will request it. Template is Well documented to be customized an fitted in your website to replace default error page. Say NO to ugly default error page what confuse your visitors. Page has animation to be more alive. It’s integrated with Google Web Fonts and comes with pack of over 40 icons for social networks.


Wizm 404 – Responsive error template for you




Wizm 404 – Responsive error template for you. Can be used for companies, individuals, and professionals. With full screen background. This template is Valid Html so will work cross platforms and browsers.


No Signal 404 Error Page




No Signal” is an unique error page that conveys a feeling of nostalgia. It aims to prevent users the frustration of  getting to a website error and it’s a good starting point to get to other pages thanks to a quick menu and a themed search field.



Rocket – 404 Error Page




Rocket is a Simple, cosmic and original 404 page with Responsive Layout and Cross Browser Compatible.


Impact 404 – HTML5 & CSS3 Error page




Forget about the old and obsolete 404/500/503 error pages – with this stylish custom 404/500/503 error page, your users eyes will be delighted instead of frustrated, when they encounter an error.


Simplistic 404 Error Page




Simplistic 404 error page is a simple, yet visually please and powerful “404 Page Not Found” design with easy to customize features and 6 different color schemes.


Bubbly Error Page




Bubbly Error Page is simple but creative error page with some cool features, which make it unique! It has two color themes, floating bubbly background, working contact form with jquery validation, in case your visitor wants to inform you about the error!


Cthulhu – Ominous 404 Page Template




Cthulhu – HTML5 +CSS3 powered animated 404 Page Template. It uses the power of hardware accelerated CSS3 animation to produce the smooth animation of Cthulhu in newest browsers. it works on mobile devices! In older browsers it falls back to the JavaScript nicely and works just fine even in IE7.



Badgy Error Page




Badgy is simple and nice looking error page with CSS3 effects. You will be able to search and go to some links.


Badgy Error Page




Boxxy is simple and nice looking error page in style of cardboard box. Easy to customize (text, error, links). You will be able to search and go to some links. Simple and effective.


Cloudy – 404 Error Page




Cloudy is 404 Error Page that will fit for all websites. It provides, scrolling background item (which is easy configurable), Cufon replacement, you can easily change it to all kind of error pages, search form and back to home button.


Lost in the Clouds – Error 404




Lost in the Clouds – Error 404 is a simple and aethetic template with animated bakcground, Valid HTML and CSS. Ready for all common HTTP errors, like 401, 403, 404, 500 and 503 or for many other purposes.


Modern Custom 404 Error Page




You can use this Modern Custom 404 Error Page pack for any type of errors on your site. It is designed with usability in mind – to help the user get what he wants . It also has an area in footer for navigation, so user can decide where he wants to continue his browsing. Also, user can report the problem to you by clicking the “Contact Us” button. It’s fully customizable and browser compatible ( Chrome,Firefox, Opera,Safari, IE8, IE9) you can choose between 16 color schemes.





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